Gain agility, increase profits

Creating new revenue opportunities

Our Digital Travel Insurance System allows to elaborate new policies, to reduce the protection gap, to make a better use of the pricing leverage to increase the number of policy owners, and to offer digital products, serving the customers with highly automated interfaces, as per their expectations.

Enabling a customers’ experience approach

Modules such as the Business Rules Management System (BRMS), the Dynamic Pricing System (DPS), the Refund Management System (RFM), together with the Customer Interfaces, can design and deliver a highly personalised experience to each individual customer, at each point of contact with the insurance or with the tour operator. Some of these experiences, such as the initial informative research, the insurance subscription, the interactions in case of refund, up to the act of sharing a positive customer experience, can be highly automatised and controlled through the system.

Waiving any administrative burden generated by low-value refunds

The level of automation proposed with the Refund Management System (RFM) helps to drastically reduce every administrative process linked to the accident refunding, while an integration with the customer base can be used to automatise the entire customer’s interaction, where necessary. Dis-intermediating the refund drastically reduces the costs linked to this process, liberating resources that can sum up to a considerable component of the whole policy value .